Our current investment strategy offering includes: 
Targeted Equity
Targeted Equity is a factor strategy that uses selection criteria to arrive at a universe of investable equities. The strategy selects GARP (Growth at a Reasonable Price) companies that are demonstrating positive earnings, estimate revisions, and positive price momentum while exceeding our profitability value metric. Those equities are then monitored for Buy or Sell signals.
VolPar™ is an asset allocation investment strategy inspired by the idea of risk parity. Through a wide static diversification across the asset classes of equities, fixed income, and commodities rebalanced according to a strict quarterly schedule, VolPar™ seeks to be robust by avoiding fluctuations from macroeconomic changes and delivering higher geometric returns.
Targeted Income
Targeted Income is an income-focused strategy that uses quantitative and qualitative filtering criteria based on dividend growth, safety, and quality of the underlying business’s fundamentals. The strategy will hold a collection of dividend-growing stocks and then manufacture an additional dividend yield by writing short-term Out-of-the-Money (OTM) calls.
Income Growth
Income Growth is an income-focused strategy that uses quantitative and qualitative filtering criteria based on dividend growth, yield, safety, and quality of the underlying business’s fundamentals. Holdings will be solely a limited number of REITs and Utilities.
Opportunistic Structured Notes
Structured Notes strategy has two categories: growth and income. The income strategy uses asset-linked notes to generate income. The strategy monitors market volatility to dictate the best opportunities to find the yield for given levels of principal protection. The growth strategy uses leveraged upside to seek accelerated returns for certain attractive equities.
Spicy jalapeno bacon ipsum dolor amet shankle spare ribs bresaola, tenderloin frankfurter doner rump. Turkey tenderloin jerky kevin pork loin. Frankfurter rump tongue landjaeger, pork buffalo sirloin. Pig cupim sausage biltong meatball tongue hamburger t-bone cow shank pancetta burgdoggen. Tail kielbasa meatloaf pork chop kevin ham hock frankfurter turducken brisket alcatra tenderloin jerky pig.

Pork loin tongue short loin short ribs, doner ham hock salami. Doner sirloin corned beef, burgdoggen landjaeger capicola meatball pork belly beef ribs. Pork chop beef corned beef frankfurter. Beef ribs bacon ball tip, spare ribs pancetta jerky pork belly tail. Ball tip tail alcatra pork loin burgdoggen, kielbasa landjaeger. Ground round hamburger tongue, sirloin leberkas pork loin prosciutto chuck cow short loin rump shank filet mignon pork chislic.


Our Investment Philosophy:
Recognize limitations
Consider risk more than returns
Process orientation
Search for antifragility
Alignment of incentives

Get In Touch

We can be your modern-day castellan. Contact us today for the best management and protection of your castle’s assets.

Main Office
2011 Lake Point Way,
Suite 001
Louisville, KY 40223

South Florida Office
1061 E Indiantown Rd
Suite 309
Jupiter, Florida 33477

Mailing Address
P.O. Box 43847,
Louisville, KY 40253

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